Wednesday, April 30, 2014

And it just keeps getting better :-)

Got a lot of writing done today and am feeling a little like sharing :-) just a small peek. :-)
"He stood with his back to me, his broad shoulders pulling tightly against his black t-shirt, hell bent on driving me crazy. He turned to face me and that lopsided grin I loved so much was there, just for me. I smiled back and stood on tip toe to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth. His hands captured my hips and, quickly, he had me pushed against the wall. My soft, sweet kiss, became ravishing, and aggressive, and raw. Just like him."
Feedback is always wanted :-) More to come :-) and yes I'm saving all the really good stuff :-)

Getting in the mood

Turning on some Matt Nathanson and getting some writing done!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Demons within

I looked through the looking glass and what did I see? I saw a monster reflected at me. A stranger's eyes, a stranger's stare. A soulless monster with nothing to fear. His grin was wicked, his eyebrow rose. I stared at the monster, my skin prickled and froze. His eyes were black, his hair the same. I saw his lips move to form my name. My soul was his, and his was mine. There's no way to fight this monster, because he's buried inside.

Kaelynn James

Meet 3rd grade teacher Kaelynn James. Having grown up in Winston, Idaho she's no stranger to the world of businessmen and lawyers. The town is made up of mostly stuffy, men in suits, including her own father. So when the rebellious rougue that is Cameron Malone comes into town, she's drawn to the dangerous side of him she's never known before. The way his very presence sends tingles over her skin. When she learns there is much more to him then his devilishly good looks she's sucked deeper into his spell. Can she save them both? Or will he be her destruction?

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Cameron Malone

Meet Cameron Malone. At 28 he is the proud owner of Cam's, the newest bar in Winston, Idaho. A dark past cast dark shadows over his present life, but he's not alone. Having adopted his four year old sister after turning eighteen, he now is not only responsible for a bar, but also a fourteen year old girl. add to that the Elementary teacher he met after coming to town, who's set on driving him insane with lust. A man so lost in his past and used to having his way with women faces off against a rebellious fourteen year old and an old fashioned home town girl. Life as never been easy for Cameron but will the new dynamics in his life pull him from the darkness of his past? Or push him farther into them?

Monday, April 21, 2014

Getting Started

Hey everyone! I'm working on my first novel called "Out of the Darkness." The story follows the life of Kaelynn James, a 26 year old teacher who tries to resist the charming yet dangerous new bad boy in town. Cameron Malone has a troubled past, but is looking to start over in Winston, Idaho. Now along with raising his fourteen year old sister, running a bar, and adjusting to the new town, he also must resist his biggest temptation of all, Kaelynn. Her innocence and Beauty are beyond anything he's familiar with. What will happen when Innocence meets Darkness will they combine to rescue them or destroy each other? Will Cameron rise above his past or drown in the memories? Will Kaelynn be enough to save him from a lifetime of hurt?